My Fleet – On-Line, On-Demand Contract Visibility
19 January 2008

Welcome to My Fleet – On-Line, On-Demand Contract Visibility
Service Summary provides customers with the latest information regarding the service status of their fleet including Service Due Dates, Appointment Dates, Service Completion Dates, Non Availability Logs, Overdue Services and scanned images of service sheets and calibration certificates. These can be downloaded from the site and e-mailed.
Incident Management lets customers track all live incidents being managed through Carrier Assistance plus the incident history for their fleet.
Unit Finder details the operating profile and specification for any Carrier unit in a customer’s fleet.
Fleet Uptime shows at either a fleet or depot level the real-time fleet availability statistics for a customer’s contract units by month, day and hour.
Contract Status provides an instant asset register that can be exported to Excel, showing all of a customer’s units covered by contract, their contract start and end dates, operating hours and service frequencies.
Foretrack enables a customer to monitor the exact location, route history and temperature of a unit anywhere in Europe and be notified of any operating alarms if they have subscribed to the service.